Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Holiday Mouse Pot Holders

Christmas Mouse Pot Holders


Whenever I need a quick little gift for a friend, I like to make something special, just for them.  I've been makeing these Christmas Mice for a number of years, but this year I thought, why not have a "Holiday Mouse" so made these ones for 4th of July.  They could be fun at a family picnic or bar-b-que.  There also may be Easter and Halloween mice on the way, or even a Happy Birthday Mouse.

4th of July Mouse Pot Holders

4th of July
Mouse Pot holders

The Pattern
Draw a pattern on sheet of typing paper

A. The body is about 6 1/2" wide and 7" long.  Cut 1
B. The face is about 4 1/2" wide and 2" long.   Cut 1
      Where the seam of A & B join, should be the same width
C. Cut 4 pieces for the ears (C).  Each piece is about 2" wide and 2 1/2" long
     Sew 2 pieces right sides together to make 2 ears.  Trim to about 1/8",
      turn and press
D. Cut 1 piece for the tail about 2"wide and 6" long. 
     Fold side to meet  in center, press.   
     Then fold again in half and top stitch.   Fold tail in half to make a loop and 
     attach to the bottom center of mouse body A

Find center of top of body A and mark center.  Put an ear (C) on both sides of center.  I usually put some small pleats or gathers in the ears to make the bottoms more narrow than the top of the ears.

Place the face (B), right side down on the ears and stitch along the seam.  This will complete the top.  We will call this the "Mouse top"

Make Layers just larger than Mouse top you just sewed:  Will be about 7" wide and 9" long.
       2 layers of batting
       1 layer of backing, with right side of fabric up.
Then lay the mouse top, with right side of fabric down. Be sure that the tail is enclosed.

Sew around the outside edge making a 1/4" seam.  Leave an opening on one side about 3" for turning.  Trim about 1/8" inch from sewn edge and turn right sides out.

Shows mouse top layered on the backing and batting.  Note opening on right side for turning.  By sewing mouse top in this manner, you never have to match the backing to the front.

After turning, hand stitch opening closed, press, top stitch body (A) about 1/4" from edge.  Add some eyes and you have a HOLIDAY MOUSE POT HOLDER.

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