Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kaleidoscope quilts

I have found it exciting to make these 4-patch kaleidoscope blocks.  Always something unexpected will pop up!  The 4-patch with a narrow framing strip and corner will make a unique block that can be set on point or as a straight set.  Large florals with lots of contrast, really ugly scrap prints all turn out good.

Including a step by step "how-to-board" I used in a class I taught.


1. Find the pattern repeat in fabric, usually about 15 to 18 inches apart.
2. Cut and align 4 pattern repeats, pin well. cut 3 1/2" strips                 
3.Cut the 4 identical strips into 3 1/2" blocks                                       
4. Arrange 4 squares into a kaleidoscope design. Like kind of             
centers together.  Sew into a 4- patch block. Press. Block          
should be 6 1/2" square.                                                             
5. Sew 1 1/2" framing pieces to sides.  Press                                      
6. Sew framing cornerstones to 2 framing pieces. Press                       
7. Sew framing pieces from step 6 to top and bottom of block.           
8.Press.  Finished block should now be 8 1/2"                                    

Bright table runner..... also made a throw from this fabric

This fabric, I considered really ugly!  I bought it on a trip to Jamaica.  It had good colors and definite pattern repeats.  Turned out to be about the wildest quilt that I have ever made.

No doubt you can tell that I haven't found how to rotate my pictures yet!  All the quilts are sideways. Will fix them when I find out how!

I love this floral pattern. There are no identical blocks in the quilt.  All are made from the border fabric.

Pink and Brown have always been a favorite.  Each block was like a little present when it was stitched together.



  1. Hi Donna- I saw this done at a shop recently. Very interesting. I hope to try it soon. Thanks for sharing. Linda
